Fans designed for farm walls. Suitable for all types of farming.

They facilitate the removal of dead animals from farms, contributing to the biosecurity of livestock farms. If the task is easy to perform, dead animals are removed from the farm sooner and more efficiently.
They improve the work safety of farm workers by avoiding the risk of injury, especially to the back, as it reduces the effort required to remove carcasses, especially those of very heavy animals such as breeding sows.

The floating cover allows easy and effective liquid coverage for slurry ponds and water tanks.

Exafan EU-56 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
Low-flow EU fans are designed to deliver or extract large volumes of air at low pressure.

Active NS additive for slurry
Active NS is a 100% natural product, composed primarily of three different types of pre-processed clay minerals. This unique combination gives the product an exceptionally high ion exchange capacity, binding ammonia to the slurry, resulting in a significant reduction in ammonia emissions.

Exafan EU-50P 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
IP55-rated fans. Stainless steel hardware. The most commonly used in grabbing.

Exafan EU-35 50 Hz single-phase wall fan
The most common in the ventilation of farms of all types.

Active NS for biogas plants
ACTIVE NS is a 100% natural product for use in biogas plants to reduce ammonia emissions and energy consumption and increase biogas production.

Exafan Poseidon stainless steel hopper
Improve efficiency with dry/wet feeding with the new range of stainless steel hoppers
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