Página 13 de Os eventos mundiais do ano 2023 na Agenda 333

Agriness NextAgriness Next30Mai20232023-05-301Jun20232023-06-01Florianópolis - SC, Brasilhttps://next.agriness.com/Next
14th ESPHM14th ESPHM31Mai20232023-05-312Jun20232023-06-02School of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Gréciahttps://www.esphm2023.org/
Mesa redonda Monte Nevado: Desafios na produção de jamón curadoMesa redonda Monte Nevado: Desafios na produção de jamón curado1Jun20232023-06-012023-06-01Campus de Jamón Monte Nevado, Espanhahttps://tinyurl.com/3tac9v55
11th International Conference on Pig Reproduction (ICPR)11th International Conference on Pig Reproduction (ICPR)4Jun20232023-06-047Jun20232023-06-07NH Gent Belfort, Bélgicahttps://www.icpr2023.be/
International Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig DiseasesInternational Symposium on Emerging and Re-emerging Pig Diseases4Jun20232023-06-047Jun20232023-06-07IMPACT Forum, Bangkok, Tailândiahttps://iserpd2023bangkok.com/
FMA CHINAFMA CHINA5Jun20232023-06-057Jun20232023-06-07National Exhibiton and Convention Center, Hongquiao, Shanghai, Chinahttp://www.fmachina.cn/expo/cn/
Congresso Internacional da CarneCongresso Internacional da Carne7Jun20232023-06-078Jun20232023-06-08Poliforum León, Méxicohttps://congresodelacarne.com/2022/
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